Life is more than bicycles, and I would like to take a moment here to broaden again the topics discussed in the blög and to talk about something that has been life altering for me personally, and for some people I know who have tried the same thing. The thing to be discussed here is pillows, and a specific sort of pillow in particular. I believe most people use a standard plastic fluff filled pillow, and have never thought about it since they were born, except maybe about their preferred thickness of filling.
The alternative type of pillow I now endorse first caught my attention maybe 10 years ago in the Ruskovilla catalog. The company is more known for its high quality organic wool clothing for adults and children (which i highly recommend as well). But they also produce a pillow filled with millet husks. This sounded so interesting I had to try it, and since then I have never looked back when it comes to pillows! The rustling softness, infinite shape adjustment and breathing coolness of the husk-filled pillow is a world apart from the hot and itchy plastic pillows I used to use. As a tradition-appreciating person I of course also am very happy to have a great example of how a pillow design probably thousands of years old is much better in every way than a standard new pillow.
Later on I have tried buckwheat husk filled pillows as well and find them highly satisfactory as well. These can be bought from the finnish company Tattariina, and possibly others as well.
I could go on describing the virtues of the natural husk filled pillow, but it really is a thing you need to try to appreciate! And as they are not expensive at around 30-50 euros a piece, it's not a costly experiment even if it did not fit your sleeping habits.